“At the expiration of the above term, I shipped aboard of the brig Traveller, Capt. Thomas Wainer, for Kennebec, state of Maine. On our passage to this place, our vessel capsized about 10 o’clock at night, which caused us much trouble to get her righted again; but after four hours’ struggle, and by the aid of our Great Father, we got the ship to rights, and went on our passage, which we finished in about seven days from this event.”
(Read more – Go to Chapter 4: From Massachusetts to Maine)
“There is a missionary on this island, and the people are more intelligent than most of the other islanders in that vicinity.—They are one of the most peaceable and happy people with whom the writer was ever acquainted. They seem to be peculiarly the favorites of our Great Father. Possessing one of the most salubrious of climates, with every thing formed in nature, and growing spontaneously for their support, they are well fitted to enjoy life and all its attendant blessings. They are happy in their poverty, and contented in their simplicity; and I assure my readers, that it was not without many painful sensations, that I left this ocean isle, and its peaceful inhabitants. May God ever be with, and preserve them for their many acts of benevolence, shown to the writer of this narrative, when a stranger thrown among them, and more than fourteen thousand miles from the land of his nativity.” (Paul Cuffe, 1898)
(Read more – Go to Chapter 21: The Plantation and the Missionary)
“I now take leave of those who may hereafter peruse this relation of events through which the writer has passed, during his stay among earth’s travellers. May heaven’s choicest blessings ever be theirs, together with the innumerable comforts which are the attendants of an earthly pilgrimage. Good bye.” (Paul Cuffe, 1898)
(Read more – Go to Chapter 25: “Attendants of an Earthly Pilgrimage”)